8. Life in the future

Expressing future actions

Expresi�n de acciones futuras

Como puedes recordar, existen diferentes maneras de expresar acciones futuras. En la sesi�n de hoy repasar�s el uso del futuro simple.

GraphicsObserva el programa de televisi�n. F�jate en las expresiones que se utilizan y trata de repetirlas


Write the answers to these questions on the line.

1. Is Arturo going to have a party?_________________

2. Where is Mar�a going to go to?_________________

3. When are they going to organize the party__________________

GraphicsEn tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos, lee en silencio el tema 6.8 Life in the future. Trata de entender todo el contenido y despu�s realiza una lectura dialogada; toma como modelo la pronunciaci�n que escuchaste en el programa de televisi�n.


Responde F o V seg�n sea el caso. Registra tus respuestas dentro de los par�ntesis siguientes.

1. El titulo del libro es Future world. ( )

2. El libro trata de la vida en el futuro. ( )

3. Los autom�viles ya no contaminar�n. ( )

4. La gasolina seguir� siendo la principal fuente de energ�a. ( )

5. Las f�bricas emplear�n a muchos obreros. ( )


En el Concepto B�sico 8. Life in the future, encontrar�s la palabra will, cuya pronunciaci�n es simple: [will]. Esta part�cula se puede contraer, convirti�ndose en 'll. Recuerda que la ll siempre se pronuncia [l] en ingl�s. Sigue este consejo y trata de pronunciar correctamente los siguientes ejemplos:

I'll go. You'll come. He'll stay. She'll play. We'll study. They'll try.

GraphicsAnaliza la secci�n LOOK AT THIS! del Concepto B�sico 6.8 Life in the future F�jate en la funci�n de cada elemento.

Order these sentences according to the picture.



Graphics Make sentences according to the pictures


1. She __________________________

2. Peter ____________________ famous

3. People ______________________

4. They ___________________________________

5. Scientists __________________ new medicines.

Graphics Complete the sentences with the correct choice.

1. I __________________________ a house next year.

a) bought

b) buy

c) will buy

2. They ___________________ Mexico City next summer.

a) will visit

b) visited

c) visiting

3. There __________________ any wars in the 21st century.

a) are

b) won't be

c) will be

4. Rockets ______________________ to other planets.

a) travel

b) traveled

c) will travel

5. She _____________________ a famous singer in a few years.

a) will be

b) was

c) is

To know how much you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates', and then check them with the key.


Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. F; 2. V; 3. V; 4. F; 5. F.

Order ... :

1. He will be an astronaut. 2. Robots will work in factories. 3. Cars will fly, but they won't pollute. 4. People will work at home. 5. Computers will control their accounts.

Make ... :

1. She will travel to Europe next year. 2. Peter will be famous. 3. People will live on the moon. 4. They will get married in 1997. 5. Scientists will discover new medicines/drugs.


1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a.

Do you remember?

1. No, he isn�t. 2. She is going to visit her grandparents. 3. Next Saturday

Evaluate yourself. Use the chart in session 6.1 The rain forest.

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