Lengua extranjera (Ingl�s)

Baker, Ann y Sharon Goldstein, Pronunciation Pairs, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.

Defilippo, Judy y Michael Walker, Lifeskills 2, Boston, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, "New Horizons in English", 1982.

Ganeri, Anita, Ecology, Auburn, Ladybird Books, "Learners".

Guiterman, Arthur y Olive Stafford Niles, Sense, Nueva York, Scott: Foresman, 1a. ed, 1977, pp 42 y 43.

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Languaje Teaching, Nueva York, Longman, 1984.

Hartley, Bernard y Peter Viney, American Streamline, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 1984.

Hess Ramos, Federico, Mar�a Susana Astivia Montero y Gustavo Pam�rez Toledo, My Third English Book, Servicios Pedag�gicos S.A. de C.V., 1978.

____, A Close-up, Ciudad de M�xico, Ediciones Pedag�gicas (EPSA), 1993.

Hinton, Michael y Paul Seligson, Mosaic, Edimburgo, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1a. ed., 1991.

Luna, Manuel y James Taylor, Impact 1, M�xico, D.F., Macmillan, 1993.

Richards, Jack C. y Jonathan Hull, Susan, Proctor, Interchange, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

SEP-UTS, Conceptos B�sicos. Lengua Extranjera. ingl�s 3er. grado, M�xico, SEP, 1994.

SEP-UTS, Gu�a de Aprendizaje. Lengua Extranjera. lngl�s 3er grado, M�xico, SEP, 1994.

Soars, John & Liz, Headway, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 7a. ed., 1989, p.91.

Viney, Peter & Karen, A weekend away, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986.

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