30 DE MAYO DE 1848

Portada del Tratado de Paz, amistad, l�mites y arreglo definitivo entre la Rep�blica Mexicana y los Estados Unidos de Am�rica, M�xico, Imprenta de Ignacio Cumplido, Calle de los Rebeldes n�mero 2, 1848, 52 p. (Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Boundaries, between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic; concluded by the plenipotentiaries in Guadalupe Hidalgo on the 2nd of February, ratified in Washington on the 10th of March, and in Quer�taro on the 30th of May, 1848.)

Archivo General de la Naci�n, Colecci�n de Folleter�a, caja 10A, folleto 335.
