
Atkinson J.T.N. y H. VanDroffelaar, Corrosion and its Control. An introduction to the Subject, NACE, Houston, 1982.

�vila J. y J. Genesc�, M�s all� de la herrumbre, FCE-SEP-CONACYT, M�xico, 1986, 110 pp. (Colecci�n La Ciencia desde M�xico, n�m. 9).

Bockris J.O'M., N. Bonciocat y F. Gutmann, An Introduction to Electrochemical Science, Wykeham Pub., Londres, 1974.

Fontana M.G. y N.D. Greene, Corrosion Engineering, McGraw Hill, Nueva York, 1978.

Galvele J.R., Corrosion, OEA, Washington, 1979 (Monograf�a n�m. 21).

Gonz�lez Jos� A. (comp.), Teor�a y pr�ctica de la lucha contra la corrosi�n, CSIC, Madrid, 1984.

Uhlig H.H., Corrosi�n y control de la corrosi�n, Ed. Urmo, Bilbao, 1975.

Van Delinder L.S., (comp.), Corrosion Basics, An Introduction, NACE, Houston, 1984.

Protecci�n cat�dica

Applegate L.M., Cathodic Protection, McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 1960.

Byran W.T., Designing Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems with Durco Anodes, The Duriron Co., Dayton, 1970.

Lazzari L. y P. Pedeferri, Protezione Catodica, CLUP, Mil�n, 1982.

Morgan J.H., Cathodic Protection, Leonard Hill, Londres, 1959.

Parker M.E., Pipe line Corrosion and Cathodic Protection, Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, 1954.

Peabody A.W., Control of Pipeline Corrosion, NACE, Houston, 1967.

Roche M., Protection contre la corrosion des ouvrages maritimes petroliers, Technip, Par�s, 1979.

Shreir L.L., Corrosion, vol. II, Newnes-Butterworth, Londres, 1976.

Von Beckmann W. y Sohwenk, Handbook of Cathodic Protection, Portcullis Press, Redhill Surrey, 1975.
