Anderson, D. (1971), "The San Andreas fault", Sci. Amer., 225, pp. 53-68. [Exposici�n detallada de todas las fallas que componen este sistema]

Bullen, K. (1982), "El interior de la Tierra", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 61-70. [C�mo se determina la estructura del interior de la Tierra a partir de las ondas s�smicas]

Burke, K. y Wilson, J. (1976), "Hot spots on the Earth's surface", Sci. Amer., 235, pp. 46-57. [D�nde se encuentran los puntos calientes, ejemplos de cadenas de islas y algunas divagaciones]

Cailleux, A. (1968), Anatom�a de la Tierra, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Ediciones Guadarrama, Espa�a. [Librito simp�tico lleno de datos y estad�sticas curiosos]

Colbert, E. (1982), "La vida sobre los continentes a la deriva", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 253-272. [Magn�fico tratado acerca de relaciones entre especies antiguas y modernas que s�lo son explicables mediante la t.d.p.]

CONACYT (1982) El redescubrirn�ento de la Tierra, Arnoldo Mondadon, Editore, Italia. [Colecci�n de trabajos acerca del origen y estructura de la Tierra y la vida en ella, con algunos trabajos referentes a la t.d.p.] *En los comentarios (entre corchetes al final de la cita) que hace el autor a algunas de ellas se abrevia tectónica de placas como t.d.p.

Cox, A., Dalrymple, G. y Doell, R. (1967), "Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field", Sci. Amer., 216 pp. 44-54. [Semidivulgaci�n de algunos de los primeros resultados al respecto]

Dietz, R. y Holden (1970), "The breakup of Pangea", Sci. Amer., 223, pp. 30-41. [Un modelo (temprano) de la distribuci�n de los continentes desde el tiempo de Pangea a la fecha, con bonitas ilustraciones]

Esp�ndola, J. (1989), El tercer planeta: Edad, estructura y composici�n de la Tierra, FCE, México. [Ameno y de f�cil lectura, edad y dataci�n de rocas, qu�mica del interior de la Tierra]

Jacobshagen, V. (1980), Alfred Wegener 1880-1930 Leben und Werk, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berl�n, Alemania. [Cat�logo de exposici�n; buena historia de Wegener y sus tiempos]

Marvin, U. (1973), Continental drift. The evolution of a concept. Smithsonian Institution Press, EUA. [Panorama de la t .d .p; antecedentes hist�ricos fascinantes]

Nagata, T. (1982), "El campo magn�tico terrestre y sus variaciones", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 149-162. [M�s datos acerca del campo terrestre y modelos para su posible origen]

Nava, F. (1987), Terremotos, FCE, M�xico. [Bases de sismolog�a y aplicaci�n sismol�gica de la t.d.p.]

Sullivan, VV. (1974), Continents in motion. The new Earth debate, McGraw-Hill Book Co., EUA. [Platica acerca de algunos aspectos de antecedentes y resultados de la t.d.p., buenas ilustraciones]


Acharya, H. y Aggarwal, Y. (1980), "Seismicity and tectonics of the Phillipine Islands", J. Geophys. Res., 85, pp. 3239-3250.

Adamek, S., Frohlich, C. y Pennington, VV. (1987), "Seismicity of the Caribbean-Nazca boundary. Constraints on microplate tectonics of the Panama region", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 2053-2075.

�lvarez, W. (1982), "Geological evidence for the geographical pattern of mantle return flow and the driving mechanism of plate tectonics", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 6697-6710. [Especulaci�n mantocompletista]

Ando, M. y Balasz, E. (1979), "Geodetic evidence for aseismic subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate", J. Geophys. Res., 84, pp. 3023-3028.

Atwater, T. (1970), "Implications of plate tectonics for the cenozoic tectonic evolution of western North America", Geol. Soc. Amer., 81, pp. 3513-3536. [Cl�sico re. t.d.p. Baja California]

Benioff, H. (1954), "Orogenesis and deep crustal structure: additional evidence from seismology", Bull. Geol Soc. Am., 65, pp. 385-400. [Presentaci�n e ilustraciones de zonas de Benioff-Wadati]

Bischoff, J. y Henyey, T. (1974), "Tectonic elements of the central part of the GuIf of California", Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 85, pp. 1893-1904. [Batimetr�a que muestra las cuencas y fallas transformantes del Mar de Cort�s]

Briden, J., Hurley, A. y Smith, A. (1981), "Paleomagnetism and mesozoic-cenozoic paleocontinental maps", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 11631-11656.

Brune, J. (1968), "Seismic moment, seismicity and rate of slip along major fault zones", J. Geophys. Res., 73, pp. 777-784.

Burbach, G., Frohlich, C., Pennington, W. y Matumoto, T. (1984), "Seismicity aud tectonics of the subducted Cocos plate", J. Geophys. Res., 89, pp. 7719-7735.

Burr, N.y Solomon, S. (1978), "The relationship of source parameters of oceanic transform earthquakes to plate velocity and transform length", J. Geophys. Res., 83, pp. 1193-1205.

Cochran, J. (1981), "The Gulf of Aden: structure and evolution of a young ocean basin and continental margin", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 263-287.

Coleman, R. (1981), "Tectonic setting for ophiolite obduction in Oman", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 2497-2508.

Cox, A. (editor) (1973), Plate tectonics and geomagnetic reversals, W. H. Freeman & Co., EUA. [Este libro es una recopilaci�n, con interesantes comentarios e introducciones por A. Cox, de gran parte de los art�culos cl�sicos de la t.d.p.]

Cox, A. y Hart, R. (1986), Plate Tectonics. How it works, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., EUA. [Libro muy simp�tico, apropiado para principiantes que quieren aplicar la t.d.p]

De la Cruz-Reyna, S. (1970), "Asymmetric convection in the upper mantle", Geofis. Int., 10, pp. 49-56.

Delaney, J., Johnson, H. y Karsten, J. (1981), "The Juan de Fuca ridge-hot spot-propagating rift system: new tectonic, geochemical, and magnetic data", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp.11747-11750.

Demant, A. y Robin, C. (1975), "Las fases del vulcanismo en M�xico; una s�ntesis en relaci�n con la evoluci�n geodin�mica desde el Cret�cico", Rev. Inst. GeoL UNAM, 75, pp. 70-82.

Dewey, J. (1972), "Plate tectonics", Sci. Amer., 226, pp. 56-68. [Buenas ilustraciones acerca de movimientos de placas sobre una esfera]

Dewey, J. y Bird, J. (1970), "Mountain belts and the new global tectonics", J. Geophys. Res., 75, pp. 2625-2647. [Cl�sico de orog�nesis]

Dewey, J. (1982), "La tect�nica de placas", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 165-180.

Dickinson, VV. (1982), "Tect�nica de las placas y cadenas monta�osas", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 183-194. [Interesante mineralog�a]

Drake, E. (1976), "Alfred Wegener's reconstruction of Pangea", Geology, 4, pp. 41-44.

Engel, A. y Engel, C. (1982), "La deriva de los continentes en el m�s remoto pasado", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 223-230.

Fedotov, S. (1965), "Regularities of the distribution of strong earthquakes in Kamcbatka, the Kurile Islands and Japan", Trans. Acad. Sc. USSR, Phys.Earth, 36, pp. 66-93. [Introduce el concepto de gap]

Fuente, M. de la y Sumner, J. (1974), "Estudio aeromagn�tico del delta del R�o Colorado, Baja California, M�xico", Geof. Int., 14, pp. 35-48. [Evidencia de centros f�siles de dispersi�n]

Furlong, K., Chapman, D. y Alfeid, P. (1982), "Thermal modeling of the geometry of subduction with implications for the tectonics of the overriding plate", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp.1786-1802.

Garland, G. (1971), Introduction to geophysics -Mantle, core, and crust, W. B. Saunders Co., EUA.

Gilluly, J. (1971), "Plate tectonics and magmatic evolution", Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 82, pp. 2382-2396.

Gordon, R. y Jurdy, D. (1986), "Cenozoic global plate motions", J. Geophys. Res., 91, pp. 12389-12406. [Campos de velocidades de las placas referidos a puntos calientes]

Gutenberg, B. (editor) (1951), Internal constitution of the Earth, Dover Publications Inc., EUA. [Libro cl�sico lleno de datos interesantes (aunque algunos ya no aplicables)]

Hager, B. y O'Connel, R. (1980), "Rheology, plate motions and mantle convection", en Mechanisms of continental drift and plate tectonics, editores Davies, P. y Runcorn, S., Academic Press Inc., Inglaterra, pp. 199-223.

Hanus, V. y Van�k, J. (1985), "Structure of Wadati-Benioff zones and volcanism produced by the process of subduction"', Tectonophysics, 112, pp. 51-67.

Harrison, C. y Lindh, T. (1982), "A polar wandering curve for North America during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 1903-1920.

Hasegawa, A. y Sacks, S. (1981), "Subduction of the Nazca plate beneath Peru as determined from seismic observations", J.Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 4971-4980.

Hatherton, T. y Dickinson, VV. (1969), "The relationship between andesitic volcanism and seismicity in Indonesia, the Lesser Antilles and other island arcs", J. Geophys. Res., 74, pp. 5301-5310.

Heezeen, B. y MacGregor, I. (1973), "The evolution of the Pacific", Sci. Amer., 229, pp. 102-112.

Hein, J. (1972), "Deep-sea sediment source areas: implications of variable rates of movement between California and the Pacific plate", Nature, 241, pp. 40-41.

Heirtzler, J., Dickson, G., Herron, E., Pitman, W. y Le Pichon, X. (1968), "Marine magnetic anomalies, geomagnetic field reversals, and motions of the ocean floor and continents", J. Geophys. Res., 73, pp. 2119-2136.

Hess, H. (1962), "History of ocean basins", en Petrological studies: A volume in honor of A. F. Buddington, editores Engel, A., James, H. y Leonard, B., pp. 599-620, The Ceological Society of America, EUA. [Aparece en Cox (1973); art�culo cl�sico re. lit�sfera, crestas, guyots, origen de los continentes]

Holmes, A. (1944), "The machinery for continental drift: the search for a mechanism", en Principles of physical geology, pp. 505-509, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd. and The Ronald Press, Inglaterra. [Incluido en Cox (1973); propone corrientes de convecci�n en el manto]

Isacks, B., Oliver, J. y Sykes, L. (1968), "Seismology and the new global tectonics", J. Geophys. Res., 73, pp. 5855-5899. [Revisi�n general]

Isacks, B. y Molnar, P. (1969), "Mantle earthquake mechanisms and the sinking of the lithosphere", Nature, 223, pp. 1121-1124.

Klitgord, K. y Mammerickx, J. (1982), "Northern East Pacific Rise: magnetic anomaly and bathimetric framework"., J.Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 6725-6750. [Trabajo clave para México]

Larson, R. Menard, H. y Smith, S. (1968), "Gulf of California: A result of ocean-floor spreading and transform faulting", Science, 161, pp. 781-784.

Le Mou�l, J. y Courtillot, V. (1982), "On the outer layers of the core and geomagnetic secular variation", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 4103-4108.

Lomnitz, C., Moser, F., Allen, C., Brune, J. y Thatcher, W. (1970), "Seismicity and tectonics of the northern Gulf of California region —preliminary results", Geof. Int., 10, pp.37-48.

Lomnitz, C. (1974), Global tectonics and earthquake risk, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Holanda.

Majer, E., McEvilly, T., Albores, A. y D�az, S. (1978), "Seismological studies at Cerro Prieto", en Proceeds. lst Symp. Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja Calif., M�xico, LBL Rpt. 7098, pp. 239-248.

Malahoff, A., Feden, R. y Fleming, H. (1982), "Magnetic anomalies and tectonic fabric of marginal basins north of New Zealand", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 4109-4125.

Mammerickx, J. y Klitgord, K. (1982), "Northern East Pacific Rise: Evolution from 25 m.y. B.P. to the present", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 6751-6759. [Buen�simo para la configuraci�n e historia de la misma para el W de M�xico]

Matsuda, T. y Uyeda, S. (1971), "On the Pacific-type orogeny and its model: extension of the paired belts concept and possible origin of marginal seas", Tectonophysics, 11, pp. 5-27.

McCaffrey, R.. (1982), "Lithospheric deformation within the Molucca sea arc-arc collision: evidence from shallow and intermediate earthquake activity", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp.3663-3678.

McCann, W. y Sykes, L. (1984), "Subduction of aseismic ridges beneath the Caribbean plate: implications for the tectonics and seismic potential of the northeastern Caribbean", J. Geophys. Res. 89,

McKenzie, D. y Parker, R. (1967), "The North Pacific: an example of tectonics on a sphere", Nature, 216, pp. 1276-1280.

Mckenzie, D. (1969), "Speculations on the consequences and causes of plate motions", Geoph. J. R. Astr. Soc., 18, pp.1-32.

McKenzie, D. y Morgan, J. (1969), "Evolution of triple junctions", Nature, 224, pp. 125-133. [Cl�sico que da bases para el tratamiento de puntos triples]

McKenzie, D. y Parker, R. (1974), "Plate tectonics in w space", Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 22, pp. 285-293.

McNally, K. y Minster, B. (1981), "Nonuniform seismic slip rates along the Middle America Trench"', J. Geophys. Res., 86,pp. 4949-4959. [Importantes implicaciones para riesgo]

Menard, H. (1960), The East Pacific Rise", Science, 132, pp.1737-1746.

Menard, H. y Atwater, T. (1968), "Changes in direction of sea-floor spreading", Nature, 219, pp. 463-467. [Evidencia del reacomodamiento de los centros de dispersi�n]

Metz, W . (1974), "Plate tectonics: Do the hot spots really stand still?", Science, 185, pp. 340-342. [Do they?]

Mezcua, J., Ud�as, A. y L�pez-Arrollo, A. (1980), "Seismotectonic results relative to the Iberian Peninsula", en Evolution and tectonics of the western Mediterranean and surrounding areas, editores Ud�as, A. y Channel, J., Instituto Geogr�fico Nacional, publicaci�n especial n�m. 201, pp. 67-80, Espa�a. [Ejemplo de frontera entre placas compleja con posibles microplacas]

Minster, B., Jordan, T., Molnar, P. y Haines, E. (1974), "Numerical modelling of instantaneous plate tectonics", Geoph. J. R. Astr. Soc., 36, pp. 541-576. [Cl�sico que determin� velocidades para las placas]

Minster, B. y Jordan, T. (1978), "Present-day plate motions", J. Geophys. Res., 83, pp. 5331-5354. [Nueva versi�n, corregida y aumentada, del anterior]

Molnar, P. y Atwater, T. (1973), "Relative motion of hot spots in the mantle", Nature, 246, pp. 288-291.

Molnar, P. y Atwater, T. (1978), "Interarc spreading and cordilleran tectonics as alternates related to the age of subducted oceanic lithosphere", Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 41, pp. 330-340.

Moorbath, S. (1982), "La primera corteza terrestre", en El redescubrimiento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 73-86.

Moore, D. y Buffington, E. (1968), "Transforrn faulting and growth of the Gulf of California since the late Pliocene", Science, 161, pp. 1238-1241.

Moore, D. (1973), "Plate edge deformation and crustal growth, Gulf of California structural province", Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull, 84, pp. 1883-1905.

Moore, G. (1973), "Westward tidal lag as the driving force of plate tectonics", Geology, 1, pp. 99-100. [Modelo (?) para el motor de la t.d.p.]

Morgan, J., Parmentier, E. y Lin, J. (1987), "Mechanisms for the origin of mid-ocean ridge axial topography: implications for the thermal and mechanical structure of the accreting plate boundaries", J. Geophys. Res., 92, pp. 12823-12836.

Morgan, W. (1968), "Rises, trenches, great faults, and crustal blocks", J. Geophvs. Res., 73, pp. 1959-1982.

Morgan, W. (1971), "Convection plumes in the lower mantle", Nature, 230, p. 42. [Posibles causas de los puntos calientes]

Nava, F. y Brune, J. (1983), "Source mechanism and surface wave excitation for two earthquakes in northern Baja California, Mexico", Geoph. J. R. Astr. Soc., 73, pp. 739-763.

Nava, F., Gonz�lez-Ru�z, L., McNally, K., Munguia, L., Gonz�lez-Garc�a, J., Gonz�lez-Ruiz, J., Stolte, C., Simila, G., Calder�n, G. y el Interinstitutional Working Group for Deep Seismic Profiling in Guerrero (1991), "A microearthquake study in the Acapulco-Ometepec, Mexico, region and shallow earthquake generation band of the Middle America Trench", Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., (sometido).

Nur, A. y Ben- Avraham, Z. (1982), "Oceanic plateaus, the fragmentation of continents, and mountain building", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 3644-3661.

Panza, G. (1980), "Evolution of the Earth's lithosphere", en Mechanisms of continental drift and plate tectonics, editores Davies, P. y Runcorn, S., Academic Press Inc., Inglaterra, pp. 75-87.

Pennington, W. (1981), "Subduction of the eastern Panama Basin and seismotectonics of northwestern South America", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 10753-10770.

P�rez, O. y Jacob, C. (1980), "Tectonic model and seismic potential of the eastern Gulf of Alaska aud Yakataga seismic gap", J. Geophys. Res., 85, pp. 7132-7150.

P�rez, O. y Aggarwal, Y. (1981), "Present-day tectonics of the southeastern Caribbean and northeastern Venezuela", J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 10791-10804.

Plafker, G. (1976), "Tectonic aspects of the Guatemala earthquake of 4 February 1976", Science, 193, pp. 1201-1208. (Actividad en la falla Motagua-Polochic que es la frontera entre las placas de Norteam�rica y del Caribe]

Plafker, G., Agar, R., Asker, A. y Hanif, M. (1987), "Surface effects and tectonic setting of the 13 December 1982 north Yemen earthquake", Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 77, pp. 2018-2037.

Richter, F. (1958), Elementary seismology, W. IH. Freeman & Co., Inc., EUA. (Texto cl�sico de sismolog�a observacional]

Rosencrantz, E., Ross, M. y Sclater, J. (1988), "Age and spreading history of the Cayman trough as determined from depth, heat flow, and magnetic anomalies", J. Geophys. Res., 93, pp. 2141-2157.

Rotstein, Y. y Kafka, A. (1982), "Seismotectonics of the southern boundary of Anatolia, Eastern Mediterranean region: subduction, collision and arc jumping", J. Geophys.Res., 87, pp. 7694-7706.

Runcorn, S. (1982), "El motor de la tect�nica de placas", en El redescubrirniento c�e la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia, pp. 197-202.

Schilling, J., Kingsley; R. y Devine, J. (1982), "Galapagos hot spot-spreading center system 1. Spatial petrological and chemical variations (83 #176W-101°W)", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 5593-5610.

Schilt, F., Karig, D. y Truchan, M. (1982), "Kinematic evolution of the northern Cocos Plate", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 2958-2968.

Schmidt-Effing, R. (1985?), "El origen del istmo centroamericano como v�nculo de dos continentes", en Nuevos resultados de la investigaci�n geocient�fica alemana en Latinoam�rica, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn und Inst. Colaboraci�n Cient�fica, T�bingen, Rep�blica Democr�tica Alemana, pp. 21-32.

Sykes, L. (1967), "Mechanism of earthquakes and nature of faulting on the mid-ocean ridges", J. Geophys. Res., 72, pp. 2131-2153.

Sykes, L., McCann, W. y Kafka, A. (1982), "Motion of Caribbean plate during last 7 million years and implications for earlier Cenozoic movements", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp. 10656-10676.

Takeuchi, H., Uyeda, S. y Kanamori, H. (1967), Debate about the Earth, Freeman, Cooper & Co., EUA. [Semidivulgacion temprana de la t.d.p.]

Tarling, D. (1980), "The tectonic evolution of the Earth's surface and changing lithospheric properties", en Mechanisms of continental drift and plate tectonics, editores Davies, P. y Runcorn, S., Academic Press Inc., Inglaterra, pp. 61-73.

Tatsumi, Y. (1986), "Formation of the volcanic front in subduction zones" , Geoph. Res. Letters, 13, pp. 717-720.

Tselentis, G. y Makropoulos, K, (1986), "Rates of crustal deformation in the Culf of Corinth (central Greece) as determined from seismicity", Tectonophysics, 124, pp. 55-66.

Udías, A. (1980), "Seismic stresses in tlie region Azores-Spain-Western Mediterranean", Rock Mechanies, 9, pp. 75-84.

Ud�as, A. (1982), Fisica de la Tierra, Editorial Alhambra, S.A., Espa�a. [Geof�sica general]

Ud�as, A. y Buforn, E. (1985), "Mecanismo focal de los terremotos y sismotect�nica de la regi�n Ibero-Mogreb�", en Mecanismo de los terremotos y tect�nica, editores Ud�as, A., Mu�oz, D. y Buforn, E., Editorial de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 217-224, Espa�a.

Uyeda, S. y Kanamori, H. (1979), "Back-arc opening and the mode of subduction", J. Geophys. Res., 84, pp. 1049-1061.

Vegas, R., Fontbote, J. y Banda, E. (1980), "Widespread Neogene rifting superimposed on Alpine regions of the Iberian Peninsula", en Evolution and tectonics of the western Alediterranean and surrounding areas, editores Ud�as, A. y Channel, J., Instituto Geogr�fico Nacional, publicaci�n especial n�m. 201, pp. 109-128, Espa�a.

Vegas, R. (1985), "Tect�nica del �rea Ibero-Mogreb�", en Mecanismo de los terremotos y tect�nica, editores Ud�as, A., Mu�oz, D. y Buforn, E., Editorial de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 197-215, Espa�a.

Verma, R. y Krishna, G. (1987), "Seismicity and the nature of plate movernent along the Himalayan arc, northeast India and Arakan-Yoma: a review", Tectonophysics, 134, pp. 153-175.

Vine, F. y Matthews, D. (1963), "Magnetic anomalies over Oceanic ridges", Nature, 199, pp. 947-949.

Vine, F. (1966), "Spreading of the ocean floor: new evidence", Science, 154, pp.1405-1415.

Vink, G. (1982), "Continental rifting and the implications for plate tectonic reconstructions", J. Geophys. Res., 87, pp.10677-10688.

Weissel, J. y Hayes, D. (1971), "Asymmetric seafloor spreading south of Australia", Nature, 231, pp. 518-521.

Wilson, J. (1965), "A new class of faults and their bearing on continental drift", Nature, 207, pp. 343-347. [Art�culo cl�sico, incluido en Cox (1973); introduce conceptos de placas y fallas transformes]

Wilson, J. (1968), "Continental drift, transcurrent and transform faulting", en The sea, editor Maxwell, A., 4, pp. 623-644.

Wilson, J. (1982), "La movilidad de la corteza terrestre", en El redescubrim�ento de la Tierra, CONACYT, Arnoldo Mondadori, Editore, Italia. pp. 141-146.
