De todos los posibles, los siguientes libros y art�culos fueron fundamentales en la elaboraci�n de este libro:

Argoul, F., et al. "Self-Similarity of Diffusion-Limited Aggregates and Electrodeposition Clusters", Phys. Rev. Lett. 61(22) 2558 (1988).

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Davies, P., The Cosmic Blueprint. Heinemann, Londres, 1987.

Dewdney, A. K "Computer Recreations", Scientific American, 253 (2) 16 (1985); 255 (6) 14 (1986): 257 (1) 108 (1987); 257 (5)140 (1987); 262 (5) 90 (1990).

Dresden, M., "Chaos: A New Scientific Paradigm or Science by Public Relations?", The Physics Teacher; 30, 11 (1992); 30, 75 (1992).

Feder, J. Fractals, Plenum Press, EUA, 1989.

Ford, J., "What is chaos, that we should be mindful of it?", The New Physics., Paul Davies (compilador), Cambridge University Press, Gran Breta�a, 1989.

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Goldberger, A. L., D. R. Rigney, y B. J. West. "Chaos and Fractals in Human Physiology", Scientific American 262 (2) 34 (1990).

Gould, H. y J. Tobochnik, An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods. Applications to Physical Systems, parte 1 y 2, Addison Wesley, EUA, 1988.

Grier, D. et al "Morphology an Microstructure in Electrochemical Deposition of Zinc", Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (12) 1264 (1986).

J�rgens, H., H. O. Peitgen y D. Saupe, "The Language of Fractals", Scientific American 263 (2) 40 (1990).

Kahanda, G. L. M. K S. y M. Tomkiewicz, "Morphological Evolution in Zinc Electrodeposition", J. Electrochem Soc. 136 (5)1497 (1989).

Liang, S. "Random-walk Simulations of Flow in the Hele-Shaw Celis", Phys. Rev. A 33, 2663 (1986).

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Matsushita, M. et al. "Fractal Structures of Zinc Metal Leaves Grown by Electrodeposition". Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (3) 286 (1984).

Nicolis, G. "Physics of far-from-equilibrium Systems and self-organization", en The New Physics, Paul Davies (compilador.), Cambridge University Press, Inglaterra, 1989.

Oca�a-Fuentes, G., "La geometr�a fractal", Informaci�n Cient�fica y Tecnol�gica. 12 (170) 7 (1990).

Peitgen, H. O., D. Saupe, F. V. Haeseler, Mathematical Intelligencer (2) 11(1984).

Peitgen H. O. y P. H. Richter, The Beauty of Fractals. Springer-Verlag. Alemania, 1986.

Peitgen, H. O., H. J�rgens y D. Saupe, Fractals for the Classroom. Parte 1 Springer-Verlag, EUA, 1992.

Peterson, I., The Mathematical Tourist, W. H. Freeman and Company. Nueva York, 1988.

Peterson, I., Islands of Truth, A Mathematical Mistery Cruise. W. H. Freeman and Company, Nueva York, 1990.

Prigogine, I. el. Stengers, Order out of Chaos, Bantam, EUA, 1989.

Rietman, E., Exploring the Geometry of Nature, Windcrest Books. EUA, 1989.

Robinson, A. L., "Fractal fingers in viscous fluids", Science 288, 1077 (1985).

Sagu�s, F. y J. M. Costa, "A Microcomputer Simulation of Fractal Electrodeposition" J. Chem. Educ. 66 (6) 502 (1989).

Sander. L. M. "Fractal Growth", Scientific American 256 (1) 94 (1987).

Sawada, Y., A Dougherty y J. P. Gollub. "Dendritic and Fractal Patterns in Electrolytic Metal Deposits", Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (12)1260 (1986).

Talanquer, V. y G. Irazoque. "Fractales". Eduq. qu�m. 2 (3)114 (1991); � Qu� es autorganizaci�n? I. El problema de la convecci�n, 2 (4) 166 (1991): �Qu� es autorganizaci�n? II. Reacciones oscilantes, 3(1) 36 (1992); �Qu� es autorganizaci�n? III. Ondas qu�micas, 3 (2) 89" (1992).

Tang, C. "Diffusion-limited Aggregation and die Saffman-Taylor Problem", Phys. Rev. A 31, 1977 (1985).

Voss, R. F. y M. Tomkiewicz. "Computer Simulation of Dendritic Electrodeposition", J Electrochem. Soc. 132 (2) 371(1985).

Walker, J., "The Amateur Scientist. Fluid interfaces, including fractal lows can be studied in a Hele-Shaw cell", Scientific American 57 (5)134 (1987).

Witten, T. A. y L. M. Sander. "Diflusion-Limited Aggregation, a Kinetic Critical Phenomenon", Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (19)1400 (1981); "Diffusion-Limited Aggregation", Phys. Rev. B. 27 (9) 5686 (1983).
