10. The birthday party

Talking about actions people have done

Conversaci�n sobre actividades que se han realizado

Hoy repasar�s algunas funciones vistas con anterioridad.

GraphicsObserva atentamente el programa de televisi�n y trata de recordar lo visto previamente, ya que en esta sesi�n har�s un repaso de los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de este curso.


� Choose the words from the box that complete the following sentences.


a) -What ____________ you done all day long? -l've listened to my favorite music.

b) - Who has __________ the posada? -My parents have.

c) - How long have you _________ on the beach? -For three hours.

Graphics Abre tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos en el tema 6.10 The birthday party y lee en voz baja el contenido del di�logo. Es importante que repitas las palabras de dif�cil pronunciaci�n para que la mejores.


1. �Qu� se celebra en la fiesta? __________________________________

2. Adem�s de las botanas, �qu� m�s compr� Lily?__________________

3. �Qui�n es el chico que tiene un auto deportivo?___________________


El sonido de la doble ee, como en cheese, meet, keep, deep y feet, es [ii]. En tu libro debe haber otras palabras con esta singularidad, b�scalas y rep�telas en voz alta. Haz este ejercicio con un compa�ero para verificar si la pronunciaci�n es la correcta.

GraphicsEn tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos, en la lecci�n 6.10 The birthday party, encontrar�s cuadros LOOK AT THIS! mismos que deber�s analizar para contestar el siguiente ejercicio.

� Complete the sentences with the words from the leaf.


1. He has _________________ birds for many years.

2. ______________ she studied hard for the exam? -Yes, she has.

3. I ____________ done many things in a short time.

4. Where has he _________________ his exercises? -In the park.

5. How long have you _______________ away from home? -For a week.

GraphicsComplete the dialogue. Choose the right word from the picture.


Lily: - Hi, is Jenny home?

Jenny: - Speaking.

Lily: - This is Lily.

Jenny: - Hi, Lily. How are you?

Lily: -So so, l've 1) _____ very busy.

Yesterday, I went to a party. This one was on Julieta's birthday. We 2) _______ had 3)_________parties, but this one was terrific.

Jenny: - I couldn't go because I had a headache all day long. Have you already 4) ____________ another party?

Lily: - Oh, yes! Next month at my house. But only affer the exams. I

5) __________ been studying since Monday. Have you already 6) ____________ the exam?

Jenny: - Yes, I have 7) ___________ all my notes. But I 8) _______read my books yet. I've been so busy that I haven't 9)_____________ any time to write to Pablo.

Lily: - Oh! I'll write him a letter too. Oops! Someones's calling me, I must hang up.

Jenny: - I'll call you later. Bye.

GraphicsRead the letter and then answer the questions below. Write your answers on the lines.


1. Has Lily written a lot lately?______________________________________

2. Who has organized some parties?________________________________

3. Why has Lily been studying?______________________________________

4. Who had to do a lot of research lately?_____________________________

5. Why hasn't she sent any photos? _________________________________

� To know how much you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates'. In case of doubt, check them with the key.



1. observed; 2. Has; 3. Have; 4. done; 5. been.


1. been; 2. have; 3. many; 4. planned; 5. have; 6. prepared; 7. read; 8. haven't; 9. had.


1. No, she hasn't. 2. Lily and her friends have. 3. Because she is having exams. 4. Lily has.

5. Because she doesn't have any recent ones.

Do you remember?

a. have; b. organized; c. been.

Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. El cumplea�os de Julieta; 2. Queso; 3. Johnny.

� Evaluate yourself using the chart in session 1. The rain forest.

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