1. The rain forest

Talking about facts and existence

Conversaci�n sobre hechos y lo que hay en un lugar

La siguiente sesi�n es un repaso de lo que aprendiste durante el curso. Repasar�s la estructura del presente y las oraciones que expresan existencia.

GraphicsEl programa de hoy, adem�s de ayudarte a repasar las estructuras, te instruir�. Escucha atentamente la pronunciaci�n. Si tienes dudas, consulta con tus compa�eros y tu maestro.


� Complete the chart with the appropriate form of the verb according to the subjects: I, he, they.

Affirmative and negative forms:


GraphicsEn tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos lee el di�logo del tema 6.1 The rain forest. Organ�zate con tus compa�eros y realiza una lectura dialogada. Cuida tu pronunciaci�n.


� Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

1. �De qu� hablan los muchachos con el doctor?


2. �Qu� tipos de animales habitan en el bosque tropical?


3. �Qu� pasa si cortan muchos �rboles?



�Recuerdas la diferencia que hay entre la pronunciaci�n de [s] y [z]? Al pronunciar la [s] no hay vibraci�n; en cambio, al producir [z] s� la hay. Debes tener cuidado, ya que la s suena como z en algunos verbos en tercera persona, tales como: plays, studies, stays, blows, tows, reads, rides, proves, jogs, comes, runs, snores, goes.

Como puedes ver, esto se presenta cuando el verbo, en su forma simple, termina en vocal o sonido consonante que no sea [f,] [t,] [k], [p], ya que en estos casos la terminaci�n de la tercera persona ser� [s].

Finalmente, cuando los verbos terminan con los fonemas [sh], [ch], [s] o [z], la pronunciaci�n ser� [ez] como en fixes, brushes o buzzes.

� Separa los siguientes verbos de acuerdo con su pronunciaci�n: walks, goes, grows, stops, flies, speaks.

[s]: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________

[z]: ___________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________

GraphicsVuelve a tu Libro de Conceptos B�sicos en el tema 1. The rain forest, pero ahora observa los cuadros de la secci�n LOOK AT THIS! Analiza las estructuras cuidadosamente.

� Choose the best option to complete the sentences. Write the word on the line.

1. ______________________________ you work on Saturdays?

a) Does

b) Works

c) Do

2. He _______________________ many friends.

a) has

b) haven�t

c) have

3. They _______________________________ a big house.

a) hasn�t

b) have

c) do

4. ________________________________________ Tere study English every day?

a) Do

b) Have

c) Does

5. She ___________________________ a blue sweater

a) don�t have

b) doesn�t have

c) hasn�t

GraphicsAccording to the drawing, complete the sentences using there is, there are, is there and are there.

Graphics1. ______________________ many trees in the rain forest

Graphics 2. _____________________ a plant in the picture.

Graphics 3. _____________________ a doctor in the rain forest?

Graphics 4. _____________________ many monkeys on the trees?

Graphics 5. _____________________ a rain forest in Chiapas and ________________ a lot of animals there.

GraphicsFrom the words in the parentheses choose the one that completes the sentence correctly.

1. There (is/are) many exotic plants in the rain forest.

2. Do you (have/has) to do a lot of homework?

3. (Doesn't/Don't) she live in Mexico City?

4. (Are/ls) there a scientist in your school?

5. I (work/works) every day except Saturday and Sunday.

� To know how much you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates. If you have any doubts, check them with the key.



1. Do; 2. Has; 3. Have; 4. Does; 5. Doesn't have.


1. There are; 2. There is; 3. Is there; Are there; 5. There is, There are.


1. are; 2. have; 3. doesn't; 2. Is; 5. work

Do you remember?


Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. Del bosque tropical; 2. Changos, ranas, jaguares, panteras y v�boras; 3. Se acaban las selvas tropicales y se destruye el equilibrio ecol�gico.

Para pronunciar mejor:

[s]: walks, stops, speaks. [s]: goes, grows, files.

� Evaluate yourself using the following chart.

Right answers:


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