2. Dr. Jenkins' paper

Talking about actions that began in an indefinite past

Conversaci�n sobre acciones que comenzaron en un momento indefinido en el pasado

En esta lecci�n estudiar�s la forma de expresar acciones que comenzaron en un momento indefinido en el pasado y a�n contin�an.

Graphics�Te gustar�a escribir un art�culo pero no sabes sobre qu� tema hacerlo? Observa el programa televisivo, el cual te dar� algunas ideas al respecto. Escucha la pronunciaci�n.


� Complete the sentences with have or has.

1. She ___________________ a lot of homework.

2. They__________________ many animals in their house.

GraphicsEn tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos lee el contenido del di�logo en el tema 6.2 Dr. Jenkins' paper. Resuelve los problemas de comprensi�n y pronunciaci�n con ayuda de tus compa�eros y maestro.


1. �Qu� est� haciendo el Dr. Jenkins cuando llega Jimmy a visitarlo?


2. �De qu� trata el art�culo que escribe el Dr. Jenkins?



En muchas palabras que se escriben con e final como have, blouse, white, write, come, observe, chance, time, where, etc�tera, la e no se pronuncia. Recuerda este consejo siempre que hagas una lectura.

GraphicsEn tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos, en el tema 6.2 Dr. Jenkins' paper, revisa los cuadros de la secci�n LOOK AT THIS! y analiza las estructuras que ah� se te presentan.

� Choose the letter of the word that completes each sentence correctly and write it on the blank.

1. I have ______________________ a lot for the exam.

a) study

b) studies

c) studied

2. My parents have ______________ many books lately.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

3. Alex has _______________ strange noises coming from the house.

a) hear

b) hears

c) heard

4. Have you ever _________________ to a pop concert?

a) were

b) been

c) was

5. I have never _______________ that movie on TV before.

a) see

b) seen

c) saw

GraphicsComplete the sentences as in the example.




GraphicsRead Paul's answers carefully before completing Tim's questions; make sure that the dialogue is a logical one.

Use have, has, what, how long and a suitable verb. Choose it from the box.

Tim: -Hi, Paul! 1) _____________________ this week?

Paul: -Done? Oh, nothing speciaI, Tim. l've only been to the hospital three times.

Tim: -Three times! 2) ________ _________ _________ ill?

Paul: -Oh, no! I haven't been. My mother works there.

Tim: - l didn't know that. 3) ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ there?

Paul: -She's worked at this hospital for two years.

Tim: 4) _______ ______ ever __________ on anyone?

Paul: - Operated... No, she has never operated on anyone. She's a receptionist. And you, Tim? _______ ______ ______ _____ lately?

Tim: - Done? Me? Surprise! l've learned how to drive and have my license. Come on, I'II give you a ride borne.

Paul: - Great! We can buy hamburgers on our way.

� To know how much you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates'. If you have any doubts, check them with the key.


Do you remember?

1. has; 2. have.

Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. Est� observando unas plantas; 2. Sobre el crecimiento de las plantas.


1. c) studied; 2. a) read; 3. c) heard; 4. b) been; 5. b) seen.


2. Have listened; 3. Have-written; 4. Has-studied; 5. Has-seen; 6. Have-copied.


1. What have you done; 2. have you been; 3. How long has she worked; 4. Has she...operated; 5. What have you done.

� Evaluate yourself using the chart in session 6.1 of GA The rain forest.

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