4. Ancient civilizations

Comparing characteristics from two civilizations

Comparaci�n de rasgos semejantes entre dos civilizaciones

En esta sesi�n recordar�s lo que sabes de historia antigua. Al mismo tiempo tendr�s la oportunidad de recordar la forma en que se hace la comparaci�n en ingl�s.

GraphicsEl programa de hoy te ser� muy �til para mejorar tanto tu ingl�s como tu cultura. Obs�rvalo atentamente y f�jate en la pronunciaci�n para que puedas imitarla. Comenta el programa con tus compa�eros y maestro.


� Complete the following dialogue. Read the answer first and pay attention to the words in bold.


GraphicsLee en tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos el tema 6.4 Ancient civilizations y resuelve los problemas de comprensi�n o pronunciaci�n con tus compa�eros y maestro.


� Escribe F (falso) o V (verdadero) de acuerdo con lo que comprendiste de la lectura realizada.

1. Los arque�logos no trabajan en las ruinas todo el tiempo.....................( )

2. Los documentos m�s recientes se hallan en los museos.......................( )

3. Se sigue excavando por si se pueden hallar m�s objetos raros...........( )

4. El peor problema para los arque�logos es que hay ladrones de tumbas.......( )

5. El imperio egipcio dur� menos que el Asirio..................................................( )

6. Los asirios superaron a los egipcios en medicina y en la fabricaci�n de

objetos de hierro.......................................................................( )


En ingl�s, la letra o tiene tres sonidos: [ou] [au] y [o] sin contar la [oo] que se pronuncia u. Adem�s, ciertas combinaciones con otras vocales tambi�n se pronuncian [o]. F�jate en el sonido que encabeza cada columna. Todas las palabras que aparecen debajo de �l lo utilizan. Con un compa�ero, practica dici�ndolas en voz alta.


GraphicsAhora en tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos observa los cuadros de la secci�n LOOK AT THIS! Est�dialos y resuelve los siguientes ejercicios.

� Complete the paragraph with the correct words. Repeat the expressions.


1) _________ __________civilization in the world. In Egypt, life dependend on the Nile, the 2)_____________________ river the world. There are two main types of Egyptian pyramids: the stepped pyramid is not as 3) _______ _______as the traditional ones. The tomb of Cheops is the 4) ______;it is considerably 5)______________ than its companions: Chefren's and Mikerino's! In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh was the 6) __________ _________ individual, followed by the priests, soldiers, artisans, tarmers and, of course, the slaves, who had no social status. The priests were more 7) _________the soldiers- The artisans were 8)____________ than both the soldiers and the farmers. The 9) _____ _____ were the slaves who built the pyramids. The 10) ______________samples of Egyptian art are in London, Paris and The United States.

GraphicsIn English, answer the following questions using complete sentences. Use your own information.

1. Who's the tallest member of your family?


2. Is your mother as strict as your father?


3. Who's more studious at school, you or your brothers and sisters?


4. What's cleaner in your house, the kitchen or your bedroom?


5. Who's the most intelligent person in your family?


GraphicsUnderline the correct option that completes the following sentences. Look at the picture.


1. No land animal is as (fast, faster) as a cheetah.

2. Ants are probably the (stronger, strongest) insects.

3. Does a Monarch Butterfly have (brighter, as bright) colors than a moth? Yes, it does.

4. Chimpanzees aren't (more timid, as timid) as orangutans.

5. The (most, more) beautiful mountain in Africa is the Kilimanjaro.

� To know how much you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates'. If you have any doubt, check them with the key.


Do you remember?

1. have-written; 2. are-writing; 3. is-book; 4. will-finish.

Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. V; 2. F; 3. V; 4. F; 5. F; 6. F.


1. most ancient; 2. longest; 3. well known; 4. highest; 5. higher; 6. most important;

7. important than; 8. more appreciated; 9. least favored; 10. best.


Ejemplos de respuestas.

1. My father (My mother) is; 2. Yes she is / No, she isn't. 3. I am / My brothers (sisters) are;

4. The kitchen is / My bedroom is; 5. I am / My ______ is.


1. fast; 2. strongest; 3. brighter; 4. as timid; 5. most.

� Evaluate yourself using the chart in session 6.1 of GA The rain forest.

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