3. The interview

Talking about accomplishments and failures

Conversaci�n acerca de logros y fracasos

En esta sesi�n repasar�s, a trav�s de un viaje imaginario al antiguo Egipto, situaciones en las que se expresan acciones que empiezan en el pasado y a�n contin�an. Recuerda que lo importante es que reafirmes tus conocimientos del idioma.

GraphicsObserva con atenci�n el programa de hoy y no olvides comentar con tus compa�eros y maestro el contenido de �ste.


� Underline the correct option.

Margaret (has-have) never been to Mexico City before. She has (wrote- written) to Karla, her Mexican friend, because she (has-wanted-wants) to come. Has Karla (receive-received) it yet? No, she (doesn't-hasn't).

GraphicsConsulta tu libro de Conceptos B�sicos en el tema 6.3 The interview. Realiza con un compa�ero una lectura dialogada. Despu�s, cambia de personaje y haz la lectura de nuevo.


� De acuerdo con lo que le�ste, completa los siguientes enunciados.

El doctor Lawson est� escribiendo un libro acerca de 1)_______________

El vivi� en 2) __________________ durante tres a�os.

3) ________________ y �l han estado investigando documentos hist�ricos

acerca de la 4) _____________ _____________ desde 5) ________________.


El uso de contracciones en ingl�s es muy com�n, pues hace la comunicaci�n r�pida e informal. Esto nos permite dar respuestas cortas, ya que reducimos dos palabras en una. Con ello cambia tambi�n la pronunciaci�n. Este es el caso de la h, que puede incluso desaparecer completamente. Por ejemplo:


La contracci�n o reducci�n de palabras es una caracter�stica del ingl�s y ayuda a explicar por qu� el ingl�s escrito es diferente al hablado.

GraphicsAnaliza la secci�n LOOK AT THIS! observando el orden de los elementos que forman los enunciados.

. Escribe cinco preguntas con sus respuestas y pract�calas con un compa�ero. Observa el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: Have you done your homework? -Yes, I have.

1. Who__________________________________________________________

2. Has__________________________________________________________

3. How long______________________________________________________

4. Have_________________________________________________________

5. What_________________________________________________________

GraphicsUnderline the correct word as in the example:

Example: (Who-Where) has worked in that company for a long time? -I have.

1. (How long-When) have you lived in M�xico? -Since 1980.

2. (Have-Has) your assistant learned much about the Egyptian civilization? -Yes, she has.

3. (What-Who) has seen that picture recently? -Jes�s and Arturo have.

4. (How-Have) they studied hard? -Yes, they have.

5. (What-What time) has your teacher done lately? -She has explained the lesson to us.

GraphicsLook at the pictures. Read each sentence and write T if they are true and F if they are false.


1. ( ) Peter has taken a photo of the pyramids.

2. ( ) The children haven't been to Egypt before.

3. ( ) John has run around the pyramid so he's tired.

4. ( ) They have visited the pyramids before.

5. ( ) Mr. Lang has fallen off a camel.

� To know if you have learned, compare your answers with your classmates'. If you have any doubt, check them with the key.


Do you remember?

1) has; 2) written; 3) wants; 4) received; 5) hasn't.

Para demostrar que has comprendido:

1. La cultura egipcia; 2. Egipto; 3. Su asistente/ayudante; 4. Civilizaci�n egipcia; 5. 1990.


1. Possible answers:

1. Who has taken a lot of notes? -Pepe has. 2. Has she learned a lot? -Yes she has.

3. How long have you been working on the project? -For a year. 4. Have you studied

Egyptian civilization since 1990? -Yes, I have. 5. What have you done recently? -I've taken

a lot of notes.


1. How long; 2. Has; 3.Who; 4. Have; 5. What.


1. F (He's taking it); 2. T; 3. T; 4. F (This is our first visit...); 5. T.

� Evaluate yourself using the chart in session 6.1 of GA The rain forest.

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