11. What's next?

Corresponding to session 6.11 of GA WHAT'S NEXT?


Teacher: - Now you've mentioned several professions. Tell me what you want to be? What about you, Paul? Do you want to be a doctor?

Paul: - No, I don't think so. I can't stand watching blood.

Teacher: - I see. In that case, don't try to become a doctor.

Paul: - But there's something that I really want to be.

Teacher: -What's that?

Paul: -I want to be an architect or an engineer. I'm very interested in drawing and building.

Teacher: -What about the rest of you?

Mary: - Well, I like plants and animals too. But I don't know what to study.

Teacher: -Well, there are many possibilities. There are technical courses which are short. You may study difterent areas and, at the same time, you can finish school. But first of all, make up your minds as to exactly you want. Then ask for specific information.

Mary: -What kind of information?

Teacher: -Schedules and subjects, for example; job oportunities, the level you reach when you finish, and other things like that.

Peter: - Sir, I want to be a teacher.

Teacher: -Oh, very good, Peter! Tell us why you want to be a teacher.

Peter: -Well, I'm very patient and also very good at explaining things.

Teacher; - Oh! Those are two very important characteristics for a teacher. I can give you some brochures about courses so that you can have information about different schools.

Mary: -All of them?

Teacher: -Well, not all of them, of course. Write to the school you're interested in or call them. They'll tell you everything you want to know.



Asking about preference.

What do you want to

Do you want to

What do you want to


be a teacher?



No, I don't.

An architect.

Expressing wishes.


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